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Why is Cow considered holy for Hindus?

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Yes bharatvarash was an agrarian society and it was practical to keep cows alive rather than kill them to eat. Our Siddhas and Rishis obviously must have foresaw this aspect.

But our Dharma is based on an adhyatma tattva. The mainland of current India is a satvik, rajasic land with few pockets of tamas. Ppl in certain parts of North east and even Nepal where worship of tamasic devi devata have earned the right to eat Buffalo meat , sacrifice Buffalo to devi but never touch cow? BUFFALO is buff meat not beef! Yeh kya hai ? Why ? What's so special about cow !!?

North east of India is pure pashupat area where the tribals wear their tribal clothes, now they have been converted to Christianity. You can convert but how will you hide your identity!

During samudra manthan a divine cow appeared .This story is interesting as it's said devas and daityas were accessing a certain portal to bring the best things which they did not have previously .This divine cow had the power to grant all the wishes anyone needed. Devatas took her to Swarga . And all devatas resided in her. Kalpavriksh -the divine wish fulfilling tree is a similar thing but more on that , later.

Kamadhenu was a conscience being and had the power to bring rain hence many Rishis possessed her like Rishi Jamadgani. Father of Bhagwan parashuram. And her descendents are worshipped in the same manner.

Cows are the symbol of Devatva an essence of Divinity. Purity ,goodness and aware (chetana) ppl. We are the followers of deva civilization . We honor transcending from human to daivic [ divine] qualities in us. That is the basic goal of all humans.

The matrix that we live in , which our shashtras say is not real - what do they mean by it being all maya- an illusion?

Even though it is real in physical sense it is unreal in grand cosmos sense, it's like a simulation of Devi. And our actions affect the nature of grand cosmos.

" Yath pinde tath bramhande ".

Our thoughts creates thought universes constantly in grand cosmos somewhere ,hence having pure thoughts in service of devata is important for us hindus. Bhagwan sri krishna says " do everything as a duty but don't get too attached to things in this world as it's not really real in the grand cosmos scale. Neither are you real. "

That's why Bhagwan sri krishna is constantly shown with cows to say he nurtures Divinity and daivatva.

So if your actions affect the nature of the universe , killing the symbol of daivatva [ Divinity]which is blessed by lord krishna and our 33 crore deities is destroying that Divinity and divine qualities that's present in nature.

That's why when kaliyug the demon first came on earth , he started killing cows. RAJA PARIKSHIT the most divine , powerful king went to him personally to punish him when he heard that a man is killing cows. Because the wise king parikshit knew if you kill the essence of Divinity , in the grand scale of cosmos the Divinity in you and the things around you reduces. The demon kaliyug says it's his time - Kaal ,he has to be born as it's the order of time . Raja parikshit says ok you are right, I cannot go against the divine order n flow of time [ Mahakaal] so I can't kill you. Rest of the story some other time.

So look around you, the Abrahamic religion starts with the death of the bull/cow/ox God Baal. They had to start eating cow whom they had previously worshipped. And even now they do it. And you have seen the rampant spread of Kaliyug and the mindset of Kaliyug .

Non veg as such is the biggest addiction. Ask anyone who can't live without a steak a day . Any type of Meat like cow is a bigger addiction. An addicted mind cannot spiritually [ adhyatmic] progress , as it is a slave to its senses and is not free or mukth. Hence , siddh/Sanatan Dharma doesn't give anyone the right to smoke hash,Marijuana, drink alcohol, eat non veg etc. But if u do eat as there is less access to food then don't eat cows that's all. Buffalo is consumed bcos it is symbol of daitya,Devi killed maheshasura who is symbolized as a Buffalo. If the essence of daitya or tamas . Sacrificing Buffalo in the grand cosmos the universe reduces tamas or daitya vritti in you and the nature . Universe can continue to prosper and its in a better place than before.

There are many such recent promotion for reducing beef eating in usa. outlets like chic -fil-A proudly promote no beef, eat chicken. Ppl are being aware that beef rearing is extremely harmful for the environment etc which is a shift in conscience among ppl,it is the order of time. The more beef consumption is reduced ,the more daivatva or Divinity in humans and nature will thrive and increase in the universe. World will slowly shift to a better more sustainable eco friendly environment and time.

Sins of man and nature will reduce eventually , we can see it slowly around us in the name of green energy, sustainable packaging, shift towards electric car , reusable rocket , less waste etc etc all of them are the result of increasing Divinity in humans n nature. It's still a long way but we as humans are getting there with the help of the Divine cow.

All my knowledge comes from Mahasiddha Ishaputra compassion.

Om sam siddhaya Namaha

Om sri Padmapriya ramapati Ishaputraya Namaha

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