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Updated: May 3

Gratitude makes you closer to Godliness or Devatva. Our entire Siddh / Sanatan Dharma lies on this fundamental quality of Gratitude .

Gratitude is half spirituality

No action, no worship is devoid of this emotion. Offering shraddh and remembering our ancestors is a form of gratitude towards our Pitris a yoni of powerful being that comprise of our dead relatives. Offering our panchupchar the personification of 5 elements is a form of conveying our gratitude towards the deity who are instrumental in giving us this life.

Abrahamic religion offer absolute servitude and slave mindset upon their supreme one deity. Although the western civilization has many called gratitude rituals to inculcate the emotion in them. But their religion is completely devoid of gratitude . This Includes our iskon sponsored Vaishavism that says do not worship any other gods except Krishna. They have made vaishnavism into a Bhakti cult with an abrahamic equivalent mindset of servitude with sycophantic Bhakti . This Bhakti creates a duality between the devotee and the deity just like any abrahamic religion. Buddhism is no different.

The reason we worship our Devatas and not just the param bramha is again for gratitude . Believing you are the essence of God and having realization of that is considered blasphemous in todays Abrahamic Kaliyug religion, it rejects the divinity in Prakriti around us, Gurus , our Devatas of different yoni. But they fail to realize, Every form of divinity is a part of the whole Parabramha , denying this divinity is denying the absolute divinity of Parabramha as well.

That's why I do not like to subscribe to this type of ingrate cults where Shiva the Adi Guru is vilified, the devatas of swarg lok are discredited , your kul devata , aspects of Devi Shakti and Gurus are given no respect but concept of only one god is given importance. That is not the way of Sanatan Dharma but the way of Kaliyug created Monotheistic Abramahism .

So please stop worshiping incorrectly and start worshiping the pantheon of your Gods that has been revealed in your Religion and tradition . You were never monotheistic as a Hindu and you will never be . Be proudly polytheistic and worship every form of divinity you encounter as that improves activates heart chakra reduces the scope of you being pray to Kaliyug's arrogance and conniving mindset.

So always be in the state of gratitude as that leads you to Divinity . All my knowledge is due to my Guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra.


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