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How to Recognize Rajas Devata and do their Sadhana ?

Dharmic literacy 101

Rajas devata and sadhana:

How to recognize, which devatas are Satvik, Rajasic ,Tamasic devatas?

Mainstream Hindus in India due to ISKON and Bhagvad geeta and Bhakti movement popularity follow Bhagwan Vishnu and his avatar.

But do you know the Guna of your favorite Devatas?

BHAGWAN SRI VISHNU is ati Rajasic...Vishnulok is full of oppulence and luxury. It is also because of his Shakti and consort Devi Lakshmi. She is wealth and SRI personified.

So what happens when you do the sadhana of these Devatas?

One imbibes Rajasic qualities. One has to be become like the Lord they are doing sadhana of.. Hence, for a grihast or someone who has a family life doing the sadhana of any Rajasic devatas will benefit you,bcos their philosophy is BHOG and MOKSHA.

Indulgence and liberation.

There are many many many Rajasic devatas in Sanatana dharma.

Find a guru and get the deeksha of a Rajasic devata and do sadhana for the rest of your life for development and ascension.

All my knowledge is from my guru who is the Peethadhishwar of rajas peeth and is the epitome of Rajas himself

Rajas , Vishnu , Krishna , Royalty
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