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  • Writer's pictureSacred feminine

Sattva, Rajas, Tamas

This is the reason why Siddha/ Sanatan Dharma aka HINDUISM has the highest philosophy.

Our Shastras discuss high level of philosophy and meaning of life. To develop brain 🧠 to understand higher philosophy. To be immortal, to be travel between universes but not stupid menial question of how to wash in bathroom? Is vaccinating ok in Dharma ...

All these type of questions are stupid.

Once you understand Sattva,Rajas , Tamas philosophy and see it in everything around you... you will automatically choose to be on Sattva or Rajas and occasionally choose Tamas for defense, survival etc...

Self awareness or siddh chitta avasta is the one the main things Siddhas and Rishis of Himalayas stressed. Be self aware in your action. Try to go into observer mode , fully aware of your actions like Lord Shiva.

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