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Nandi- 2 Guru

Nandikeshwara 😇🙏🙏❤ Bhagwan Nandi is the second Guru of sanatana /Siddha Dharma aka Hinduism.

He was the first person to have heard the conversation between Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati conversation Agam - Nigam on Mt Kailasa.

Bhagwan Nandi is a Mahasiddha , MahaBhairav and extremely powerful Devata and Maharishi who is symbolically represented as A Bull a Vrishab. He is Bhagwan Rishab of Jainism sect. Which is and was a sect of Hinduism and not a separate religion.

There are innumerable knowledge system that has been on earth due to the compassion of Bhagwan Nandi to share it with his disciples.

Om Nandikeshwaraya Namaha

Om sam siddhaya Namaha

Om Gurumandalaya Namaha

Om Mahakalaya vikartanaya Maya dharaya Namo Namaha

Spread the word to all about our Nandi Bhagwan who has been waiting for His Guru Isht for 400 years at Kashi.

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