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Shiv - Shakti triangle or Shatkon

The most basic part of our tantra philosophy lies in symbolic representation of many secrets. Such secrets are best learnt through a Siddha Guru .

Tantra says everything in this world can be divided into Masculine quality or purush tattva and Feminine quality called Stri Tattva, animate and inanimate objects.

These qualities are different from what we traditionally perceive as masculine and feminine qualities. These are revealed only under a siddha guru .

These masculine qualities which are needed for adhyatmic journey is represented by Shiv Trikon or upward triangle.

The Sacred feminine qualities needed to develop the Stri gun for development in adhyatmic journey is called Shakti trikon or downwards triangle. A regular man is represented by a square while a regular woman by a circle denoting her stri gun and purush gun .

There are different sadhana of Devi devatas which when performed correctly inculcates within us Stri (Feminine) or Purush (Masculine)quality

A Union of the two is shatkona or 6 corner polygon . Not hexagon .

In every ancient civilization, this Divine masculine and sacred feminine has been worshipped in one form or another that is the beauty of Shiv and Shakti they are universal . Among the Jews it’s called star of David. A very holy symbol . Druids, Nordics, Maya , Egyptians, Mesopotamia, Japanese, Africa and Australian tribes have been seen worshipping this symbol.

Shiv was worshipped in one form or another as he is Adi Guru. Even the Abrahamic have concept of the Virgin Mother as a symbol of sacred feminine in Christianity.

This is our basic core philosophy of Siddh/ Sanatan Dharm . These two symbols are seen in almost every Yantra. In Shri yantra there is 4 Shiv trikon and 5 Shakti trikon in Union forming a fractal of sorts.

All my knowledge is due to My Guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra.

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