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Basics : Mantra




A mantra is universal in all kula, branches of Siddha / Sanatan Dharma.

Omkar is the primordial sound of the universe that was born with the Naad of lord Shiva according to agam Nigam shastra. All other sounds come from omkar. It reverberates at 432hz and is similar to the earth rotational frequency.

Every universe reverberates with a sound , so does living and non living things Maharishis carefully researched on it and converted this sound into mantras.

When thought energy inside you can manifest your desire into the outer world with the medium of these letters it is known as mantras.

Man - mind +heart

Tra - inside , travels

When these mantra seeps into the very core of your mind and heart it is known as mantra.

There are many types of mantra Bheej mantra ,shavar mantra ,ekakshi mantra, stuthi mantra etc. Mantrayaan vidya is not Buddhist it is hindu siddh vidya . The by product of it is our modern classical swar sangeeth shastra like carnatic music.

All my knowledge is due to my Guru Kaulantak Nath.

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