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3 Guna - Sattva , Rajas , Tamas

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Knowing Siddha / Sanatana Dharma is knowing and playing with the 3 elements Rishis and Siddhas saw in everything. Be it living, non living things or qualities of a person.

One needs to have the perfect balance of all 3 Guna or Tattva without which one can never survive. And try to transcend these 3 Guna and become like Shiva , who is Trigunateeth.

Sattva literally means truth - it is the quality of creative mode, purity, knowledge ,light , beauty and true essence of dharma . True spiritual path

Rajas literally means royalty . It is the quality of perfect balance between sattva and tamas . It imbibes best of both extreme of modes. Happiness, beauty, youthfulness are essential and keeps the society in a healthy happy mode and helps us pursue both spiritual as well as material way of living.

Tamas means ignorance and darkness it is quality of darkness, negativity, indulgence in 7 deadly sins or 5 sinful acts like uncleanliness, filth , wrath, attachment, lust , arrogance etc courage is also an essential part of tamas and hence one must have necessary tamas in us but not in excess.

A healthy dose of Tamas is required in society, but the problem occurs when it increases beyond a limit.

Excess of Rajas will take you to laziness and indulgence.

Excess of Sattva will take you to inactivity and cowardice.

Excess of tamas leads you to the current time we are in Kaliyug. But the main sign of Kaliyug is ignorance.

When a man loses the sense of purpose of living on earth and is running behind the material comfort to fill his void. He's in ATI TAMAS. Or excess of Tamas .

All my knowledge is due to my guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra

Om eem Ishaputraya Namaha

Om Sam Siddhaya Namaha

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