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16 Sringar of Hindu woman

Updated: Apr 25

Solah Sringar or 16 Sringar is a way to enhance a woman's appearance . It is the symbolically entrenched in Rajas Tattva. I've mentioned before about Navras are 9 basic emotions that a person must develop.

16Sringar is a part of 16 Kala of soma that make up the 16 Nitya Shakti of Tripura Sundari -Srividya or MahaLakshmi. It is a part of embracing the depth of Femininity in a woman that is already inherent in her.

This is part of deep tantra externally embodying these Kala while enhancing different parts of her body . There are other ways to enhance these Kala mainly by doing the sadhana of Srividya or Mahalakshmi. Stri tattva is related to liberation and it's easier for a woman who is swimming in this tattva to enhance it to reach the pinnacle of it and liberate herself.

Hence we woman have to do Sringar or makeup or enhance her beauty in anyway . Use makeup but not be too indulgent in it and become a Kim Kardashian .

Women in any society or rather Shakti runs the society through the status of women . If a woman is educated , brave ,spiritual and chaste that society progresses in a similar manner . All these are part of Sri vidya tattva.

Some religion like Islam instruct woman to cover hair , wear no make up etc. they are literally activating the opposite Dhumavati tattva that’s why people belonging to that cult are self destructive and tamasic .. the principle of Devouring is quite active they eat themselves, Shia kills Sunni Sunni kills Shia there’s no flexibility , they are least educated hardly any real scientific ( vidya) developments comes from them they copied all the mathematical and scientific inventions from Hindu Indians. Their countries are fully destroyed ... due to the status of the woman in that cult . You can argue Emirates are very rich which is true but the won't be if they are distanced from Petroleum .. woman run the world whether you like it or not Shakti runs the world no matter how much men think it's a man's world it's not.

Unfortunately for some time even Hindu woman have been gaslighted into wearing no make up , mostly men telling them that, convent schooling, left media which should never happen if you want prosperity in society.

Any average woman must change from being a self involved woman to a spiritually evolved woman that can change society. Know her place in the scheme of universe and recognize she is shakti ‘s embodiment .

Striya samasta sakala jagatsu -I’m present in every woman:Durga Sapthshati .

Our Rishi’s and Siddhas were very astute they made sure woman adorned 16 sringar to encourage wealth of all type to dwell in the society and prosperity ! Please note jewelry should be of natural metals like Gold , silver , Diamonds etc .

All my knowledge comes from my guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra.

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