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What is Veda ? Trad vs Raita

Veda is tattva that is there in everything every object around us . Veda is not the 4 books namely Rig , Samaved, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda . The four books contain verses that our Rishis wrote upon deep realization of the nature of Veda . The verses are merely hymn of praise called Stuti on the understanding of Veda .

Vedas are eternal and apurushya- not made by any man or woman . It is made for humans only . Hence no one can corrupt the knowledge of Vedas hence don't fall prey to such claims. These are not revelations heard like Quran etc. these are knowledge of truth and nature of truth that is realized in deepest of Samadhi . To understand Ved is to understand the origin of universe, motive of universe, the cause and reason for its origin and who created it. It is the eternal truth that has nothing bigotry to it.

This truth is for all humans and anyone can realize it after following rigorous penanace and austerity and brahmacharya .

The path of modern day Vedic kula or sect that follows Vedic principles that britishers said was the contribution of aryans. The knowledge that mainstream Hindus the trads and Raita think it's the only kula is of satvik guna.

Sattvik path call the ultimate truth as Bramhan the observer. This ultimate truth or observer is Lord Shiva in Kashmir Shaiv and shakt . So is the ultimate truth lord Vishnu in who's dream we are all living and are mere characters .

Trads consider anything other than veda- ie satvik path to be aved but it is wrong understanding of your Dharm . Shaivism is the most beautiful philosophy as is vaishnavism , so is Tantra beautiful. And for the ultimate Bramhan or Shiva- all path of Sanatan /Siddh Dharm is beautiful be it Tantra, Shaiv, shakt or Vedic .

Trads of instagram Hindu are a problem they don’t want to know truth they have to open their mind - they are living in Kaliyug and their knowledge is corrupted just like everything in the universe.

They provide strong opposition to knowledge they do not possess and provide greater threat to few people who do possess these knowledge like Siddhas of Himalayas who are the sole custodian of knowledge . They used to assign gurus and the gurus of yesterday were humble enough to tell they do not know about a certain topic and they must seek a higher Siddh Guru .

Now in this Kaliyug arrogance is so prevalent no one wants to listen to Siddhas and everyone pretend they know better and their kula/ sampraday / sect is best when it is not .

No sect in Hinduism is aved as ved is vidya tattva the essence of truth that is present in every thing. So people shouldn't have such misconceptions and be humble enough to understand the truth about your religion or dharma

All my knowledge is due to my guru mahasiddh Ishaputra

1 Comment

Dec 16, 2023

Very informative and nice post. It cleared many of my doubts. Thanks for sharing this knowledge. Grateful to you🙏. Keep posting like this😊

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