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Vam marg - left hand path of tantra

Updated: May 4

Vam marg is the most misunderstood part of dharma . It’s not for public it is for advanced sadhak you rem my heirarchy post right . The right to practice it comes when someone is adept at the path below it . It will take many lifetimes to master the Veda, vaishnav to reach vamacahar . As one has to refine himself or herself so that they do not exploit anyone.

If you do not understand that you have not dedicated your life to knowing dharma you just like reading some books and making posts . Nor do you have an authentic guru . yes I can confidently say no one on earth

Follows it correctly. No twitter guru or TikTok guru . It’s not just about panch Makar the core philosophy of Vam marg has emotion and love in it.

All these people in kaliyug are only out to exploit women. And many woman with their kaliyug vikriti ( twisted mindset) maybe consumed by lust , western hype of tantric sex want to explore it.

Vam marg is not the path of sex nor is it the path of adharma . It is the path of liberation for those who are consumed by sin . I think it is one of the most important path that needs to be reinstated in its glory but most people are not qualified to understand it.

Vam marg is the path of love . One must be consumed by love to understand the Union between Shiv and Shakti. If your heart chakra or hriday chakra is not developed by Bhakti ( devotion to your partner and yourself )and love you will never understand another persons pain or sorrow . You will never be able to empathize the pain of a stranger , then how can you justify being a lover of the universe . If you cannot understand pain of viraha or separation , you cannot understand the joy of Union. You can only justify vam marg for sex. It’s about activating some of the navras or emotions too it’s peak in our mind

In Kaliyug, due to lack of woman who do sadhana, in many places prostitute was substituted in rituals .

If you do a ritual as a ritual you are not using a heart in it, then you are not qualified for vam marg. You cannot substitute a prostitute as a Bhairavi in a ritual . You need a Bhairavi’s tapo shakti the power acquired by sadhana and the love in her heart for you and Dharma to be an embodiment of Shakti . That’s why vam marg is better done only by couples married couples who have deep love for each other and for spiritual ascension .

All my knowledge comes from my Guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra

the only authentic source of knowledge on this planet for tantra

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