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Tamas devata and sadhana

Updated: May 2

How to recognize, which devatas are Satvik, Rajasic, Tamasic devatas?

Lord Shiva is Trigunateeth. As are all deities but some of these deities embody these tamas qualities for us to transcend the tamas that exists in this multiverse universe. Lord shiva is above all the 3 Guna yet he is the only one who is powerful enough to adorn every negative symbols and keep his purity intact and remain untainted by it as he is Parabramha himself. Hence he is the symbolic representative of Tamas Guna.

Mahakali devi and her shakti is so powerful n uncontrolled form of tamasic energy.

There are many types of Yoginis With 3 gunas respectively. vajra yogini who is form of devi Parvati is tamasic yogini. The 64 kritya are also tamasic energies.

So what happens when you do the sadhana of these Devatas?

One imbibes qualities and ability to transcend tamasic qualities in oneself. Hence, for a grihast or someone who has a family life doing the sadhana of any Tamas devatas will not be beneficial except lord Shiva ofcourse.

As these tamasic energies do effect you and your surroundings if you are lucky enough to feel the benediction of these deities.

Tamasic devta give you courage, power and pure dominance of your enemy.

In Kaliyug, doing tamasic devi , devta sadhana is better as you are surrounded by tamas and the atmosphere supports it.

There are many many many tamasic devata in Sanatana dharma like Guhya Chandali,chamunda, some forms of Tara ,Dhumavati devi etc

Find a guru and get the deeksha of a tamasic devata and do sadhana for the rest of your life for development and ascension.

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