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Sati ,Nitya Kanya,Bhairavi

In an earlier video from Kaulantak peeth . Ishaputra mentions there were 3 types of spiritual woman based on three Guna or qualities. Sattva , Rajas and Tamas .

The spiritual adept who embraces the satvik qualities and continues her sadhana is called A SATI .

The Spiritual adept who embraces the Rajasic qualities is known as Nitya Kanya

The Spiritual adept who embraces the Tamasic qualities are known as Bhairavi.

What is the principle difference between the three ?

Ishaputra says that , the principle difference is in the nature of these three woman and how they decide to use their tapobal incurred due to sadhana.

A sati woman , a nitya kanya and a Bhairavi all do sadhana and have great tapobal or power from connecting to the higher power through austere practices.

The qualities of sati , Bhairavi and Nitya kanya will be an antithesis to modern day feminist who hate men but want to be men. So if you are feminist and are easily triggered this is your cue to close the tab and stop reading. THIS IS NOT FOR YOU !

A sati imbibes satvik characteristics and doesn’t demonstrate her powers outwards she keeps it hidden and uses it to protect her immediate family, husband and children not even herself. She is selfless completely. She remains confined in the family life and serves and remains loyal , selfless and showcases her powers to enhance and protect her husband .

The level of loyalty a sati woman demonstrated has been a subject of great inspiration. Like Vrinda wife of king Jalandhar who was undefeated only because of the purity( pati vrata ) of Vrinda and Sati Savitri who saved her husband from God of death Yama . Arundhati forever following her husband Maharishi Vashisht imortalized as a twin star in constellation Great dipper.

Devi Sita also imbibed Sati characteristics by dutifully following her husband into his 14 year banishment into the forest . Another characteristic of any spiritual woman especially sati is forbearance; apart from maintaining her purity body , soul and mind only for her husband. She would never demonstrate her spiritual powers outside nor would she fight with violence as that is the quality of tamas . She holds only one quality sattva and moves forward in her life. She forebears and tolerates to increase the stree tattva ( a quality that embodies all qualities of femininity) inside her and even though she’s as physically powerful as a Bhairavi she will never show it outward . Sita Devi waited for her husband to find her even though she could lift the bow given by lord shiva . She could’ve made an escape, she could’ve fought with her husband when he ousted her out of the kingdom but due to the excess of satitva inside her she tolerated and forebore it for the sake of the society and herself .

In Kaliyug , it was this remnants of sattvikta that made woman self immolate themselves as Sati or Jouhar - as they did not want to live without their husband, they did not want to be touched by any other man other than their husband. (These act have a little bit of tamas in them which i will cover later. ) Nor was it a conducive environment for a young woman to be a widow as she would be coerced into being sex slave by the foreign invaders or sold as a prostitute .In older times a woman could do sadhana and would be encouraged to do so if she had no family to look after , but with advent of kaliyug it was not possible as only kaliyug lokachar works which has degraded and devalued the importance of woman in the society. She has been reduced to an object of pleasure instead of being recognized as a symbol of Devi shakti that can bring revolution in a man’s life just by her mere presence and tapah shakti or power gained through austerities.

This is the importance of satitva and salutations to all the great woman who still try to keep their satitva by remaining Virgin for their future husband, who do not compromise on their values when society pressures them , Shames them if they are elder virgin, who are loyal mind and body to only their husband no matter how much of injustice, abuse they had to endure maybe by their own husbands.

For they have shown the highest of feminine virtues stree tattva that will take them higher and closer to Bramhatattva or essence of Bramha .

All my knowledge comes from my guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra

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