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Guhya Chandali- Is it Freedom that you value most?

Updated: May 2

Guhya Chandali ( Guhya meaning Secret ie from the secret yoni or dimension). She is called Chandali because she is the source of Chandd vritti that exists all over the universe. That ruthless quality where the strong prey on the weak by force. The force which consumes anything on its path simply because "IT CAN"! When I learned about her, I was fascinated with her and her raw, unkempt ati tamasic energy (extremely tamasic). Devi does not have a real sattvic form at all. Tantric samadhi of Ishaputra with Devi Chandali fascinated me most for various reasons. And in that nano-mini Bhav Samadhi of mine, I brought to life my imagination of Maha Siddh Ishaputra in the process of tantric samadhi with Guhya Chandali!

Every single institution be it the stock market, or corporate monopoly is plagued by this bullying trait called Chandd Vritti! Ruthless consumption for survival or for pleasure to satisfy one's avarice is an attribute plagued in this time if kali yuga. When magnetars consume and destroy everything on their path with electromagnetic and gravitational waves and supermassive black holes consume neutron stars, it is this aspect of Devi that is at play.

To help you understand more, Jesus Christ's crucifixion has a complete essence of "Chandd Vritti". In the crucifixion of Christ, Jesus was made to wear a crown of thorns, so is Devi Chandali depicted adorning a crown of thorns. He is brutally, ruthlessly, and unfairly hung on a cross with nails and left to die. The people clamored that he must be stoned and killed even though the Roman general pilate said " there is no real charge against this man!" Yet the disbelievers and pseudo theists demanded his crucifixion. The soldiers like Chandals fight and divided his clothes and robes for their keeping while Jesus hung on the cross, and was bleeding in pain. When He asked for water, the soldiers soaked the sponge with vinegar and asked him to drink it. This unkind, heartless deed devoid of compassion is classic Chandd Vritti. The soldiers did not even spare the dead body of Jesus but poked his dead body and caused it to bleed unnecessarily. These ruthless, unkind actions are the result of the chandd vritti sown in their heart as they are plagued by tamas or ignorance. Chandd Vritti is amplified when we have the other 'panch vikars' Five Negative traits" in us running amock ie Wrath [krodh], lust [kaam], Arrogance and Ego [Ahankaar], Avarice[Lobh], Attachment[Moh].

Then why do we have to worship this ati tamasic Goddess? Because she is the only Goddess who allows you to master her( ie these five negative traits), be strong and resolute mentally. Thereby helping you create your Chitta( roughly an amalgamation of mind, soul plus consciousness)into a state that helps one go against the default mode of YogMaya Devi.

This Goddess is not for the one who is indulged in material life. She is mostly for those who have renounced the world and embraced Sanyas. She's not easy to please, her path is the path of thorns, as only through pain do you achieve true freedom and eventually siddhatva and eventually Moksha.

Immense Gratitude to Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra for teaching us about this beautiful Goddess. And also the Acharyas of IKSVP.

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