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  • Writer's pictureSacred feminine


So many people accused me , questioned me Rishika are not human. In Rig ved and other Upanishads many Rishika who were Devas ( another higher species) some were apsaras Devis some Nag Devatas etc etc . But some were Human female aka Woman. Some were born to Kings, married to Rishi and some Bramhacharini. Either way spiritual quest to find oneself or Adhyatma - vairagya is not gender specific. Whichever guru says it’s written in some granth etc are all fake as Gayatri Devi as well as the right to know Ved and meditate upon ved was open to any man or woman who wanted to follow that path.

If you did not want to follow that path there were many other as I mentioned yesterday .

These Vedas were written in Satyug hence most are naturally women with great tapobal born to Great Sages etc. it’s the truth. As were men of that time .. born of Bramha Bhagwan, son of Angiras etc etc. but still they were considered men weren’t they?

As are these women Human Rishika born to people with high tapobal .

Thanks to Kaliyug woman had to suffer a lot which never happened in other yuga. Woman were devoid of spiritual knowledge thanks to couple of Abrahamic cults that made sure we sit inside tents and do nothing.

However time will change people will change. Woman will regain the right to practice Veda as well as other path .

This is not my opinion , My guru Kaulantak Nath Ishaputra has ensured it as he is a Mahasiddha and has seen it .

All my gyan and knowledge is due to the grace of Kaulantak Nath

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