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  • Writer's pictureSacred feminine


I agree, it's rare to find a good Guru in this time of Kaliyug. But since OMG movie came out ,all we did was vilify Gurus. When Dharm becomes business we have to speak against it. True. But the Gurus of Himalayas are still preserving our Dharma from the Malechha and kalnemi of Kaliyug.

Even if you don't have a guru ,as Hindus we got our knowledge in person by learning scriptures by heart not by creating books. HENCE ,WE must respect this ancient tradition and not become like the Abrahamic ppl who run behind holy book. Our Guru the celestial ones and other Gurud are our Books for they have all the knowledge that is hidden and safe guarded from the public . They have sealed our manuscripts even now in Himalayas and only the deserving get access to it.

Om Maha Himalayay Namaha

Om Sam siddhaya Namaha


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