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  • Writer's pictureSacred feminine


Devas or Gods in sanatan Dharma or siddha dharma are won and accessed only by the purity and honesty of emotions. If we are false at our core and lie to ourselves . Use your conniving mind instead of the purity of heart and emotions.... we will never be able to win or get the blessing of a Gurumandal or a Devtas.

They weigh you against the purity if your emotions and love. Hence , bhakti had a huge impact in kaliyug.

In kaliyug, due to the conniving, cruelty of intelligence plaguing our minds in the form of Kaliyug ( the Demon) most of the Devtas left Prithvi or planet earth. Tamas has plagued and envolped everything. Having a pure heart with your heart chakra open with Bhakti is the best and only way to access Devtas.

If one has true love in one's heart, one will be Courageous. And that is the only path to Gods or Devtas.

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