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  • Writer's pictureSacred feminine


Updated: May 2

Happy black Friday! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wish even love was on sale or discount on these counters of expensive mall. The most expensive commodity in the world is love. It cannot be traded or bartered. It cannot be put on stock exchange to earn a dividend.

All the force in the world cannot create a drop of love in someone's heart.since the advent of time, people have searched for love and created apps like okcupid or tinder in the hope of love.

That's just lust masquerading as love.But love is rare it isn't sold anywhere. Its all around us yet people seek it. It is more precious than the kohinoor or symantak diamond, more precious than all the gold in the world. More precious than a drop of water for a man in search of oasis in a hot desert.

The value of love can be felt and understood only by the one who yearns for it. The one who lost it. The one who craves and for whom love has evaded. For the One who has never been embraced by the warmth of love,no matter how many materialistic things one may have , that person will be counted among the poorest if he has no love in his heart .

If one is so unfortunate that one has no one to love , no love to give or atleast no one in their mind to love , one is indeed unlucky and unhappy at their core! Cherish the ones you have , the ones who inspire the feelings of love in your heart.

Because one is truly wealthy if one is surrounded by those who love and care for them.

Beatles were right- All you need is love !

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